Knife Audit

Here at Dalton Safety we want to ensure that all of our customers get the full service they require when it comes to improving safety in the workplace with the use of knives. We have a number of steps to ensure safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness for each of our customers. Below is a step by step of how we conduct our Knife audit for customers:

  1. Assessment of Current cutting tools: We start by examining your current cutting tools. This includes all types and sizes of cutting tools being used across various departments or workstations.
  2. Identification of Knife Types: We then categorise all cutting tools based on their types, such as retractable, fixed-blade, snap-off, or specialty knives.
  3. Evaluation of Knife Condition: We will then inspect each knife for signs of wear and tear, damage, or dullness. Determine if any knives are beyond repair and need replacement.
  4. Safety Analysis: Then we will assess the safety features of the knives, including blade locking mechanisms, handle ergonomics, and overall design. Identify any potential safety hazards.
  5. Usage Patterns: A key step is to Analyse how frequently each type of utility knife is used and in which specific tasks or applications they are employed.
  6. Review of Knife Handling Procedures: We will then look at the existing protocols for knife handling, storage, and disposal. Ensure compliance with safety standards and best practices.
  7. Cost Efficiency Examination: Many businesses wont look at this so we go in depth to calculate the total cost of ownership for the utility knives, including purchase price, maintenance, and replacement expenses. Identify opportunities for cost savings.
  8. Recommendations and Solutions: Based on the assessment findings that we get, we will then provide recommendations for optimising cutting tools. This may include consolidating certain types, upgrading to safer models, or implementing training programs for proper knife usage.
  9. Implementation Plan: We will then work with you to develop a phased implementation plan for adopting the recommended changes, considering budget constraints and operational requirements.
  10. Training and Education: One of the most important parts to the process is to conduct training sessions for employees on the safe and efficient use of cutting tools for each tasks, emphasising proper handling techniques and maintenance procedures.
  11. Follow-Up and Monitoring: By Scheduling periodic follow-up audits to track progress, address any issues that arise, and ensure ongoing compliance with the recommended practices we are able to give our customers full satisfaction and aid with constant improvement.
  12. Documentation and Reporting: The full report will be kept on file and sent to the customer to ensure that when a review happens as and when we are then able to look back at previous findings.