How's Your Hearing?
Discover the Importance of Employee Hearing Health
Do you know how well your hearing is, or more importantly, how well the hearing of your staff is? It's common knowledge that employees working in an environment with a noise level of 85 decibels (dB) or higher for four hours or more must be provided with appropriate hearing protection.
However, have you ever considered the initial hearing quality of your staff when they first joined your company? If a staff member complains about a decline in their hearing quality due to working in your environment, your company may be held liable unless you can prove that the loss of hearing quality was not your fault.
To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to conduct baseline hearing tests on your staff when they start working for you and at regular intervals throughout their employment.
Sending them to an audiologist for these tests can be both time-consuming and expensive. Additionally, the use of audio booths can also be costly. Fortunately, HearX has developed a completely portable and affordable solution that allows you to assess and monitor your staff's hearing in any office setting. This solution ensures you can take all the necessary measures to protect their hearing and safeguard your company from the risk of litigation.
To learn more about our cost-effective solutions, click the "Contact Us" button, and we will get in touch with you to discuss your specific requirements.

- Samsung Galaxy Tab A7
- RadioEar IP30 headphones and
Peltor Ear Defenders - Disposables:
Single-use foam eartips
Replacement tubes for
Velcro straps for fastening - DAC (Dialog-to-Analog Converter)
Features and Benefits
Optimised for use outside sound booth
Boothless testing. Attenuation equivalent to testing in a 5cm-single walled booth.
Intelligent noise monitoring of test environment
Smart noise monitoring before and during testing that is included in the test result.
Smart test algorithm and quality control
Intelligent re-test algorithm where ambient noise or user error may have negatively affected results. Detection of unreliable user responses Tracking of response times, false positive responses and test-retest agreement.
Time-efficient and cost-effective
Using automated testing and smart algorithms, it’s significantly faster than traditional audiometers, at a fraction of the cost.
Comprehensive and efficient reporting
Reduced need for paperwork and administration time with on-site patient signatures and online data management.
Data management
Patient, test and facility data consolidated on a secure online database, mHealth Studio Cloud.
Automated testing + reporting
Automated Percentage Loss of Hearing (PLH), Standard Threshold Shift (STS) calculations.
Testing protocols
Includes pre-loaded compliant automated protocols for the Baseline, Screening, and Exit assessments.
Device management
Annual software licence renewal
Daily Biological Tests to ensure hardware conform to standards